I make things and I have a website to prove it.
Experiencing the Pacific Northwest for the first time as an employee of Microsoft.
I have been tinkering with computers and technology since the age of 11, becoming a sole proprietor under the name of Treehouse Technologies in the year 2012 as a freshman in high school. I played around with various aspects of tech such as video game development, server infrastructure and hosting, consumer system building, and freelance software development. That passion for computers eventually led me to major in the Computer Science and Engineering field at the University of Connecticut.
I have a passion for creating things -- whether that thing is websites, apps, music, cities, businesses, YouTube videos, I find pleasure in adding my own voice and creative touch to any space.
Redmond, WA
High-performing high-impact member of the Azure VNET team, powering Azure customer networks with a product suite that leverages hyper-scale distributed networking infrastructure to achieve the fast, reliable and ubiquitous demands of the cloud.
Foundational and instrumental member of the Accelerated Connection feature team, leading the design and implementation of several key customer scenarios on infrastructure utilizing novel data processing hardware from AMD, unlocking data processing requirements of our largest customers for AI training, network security, etc.
Took an active role in continuously improving our team’s culture and processes by implementing sprint retrospectives, mentoring several new engineers, and taking decisive actions when necessary to ensure a positive, supportive, and productive team environment.
New York City
Helped prioritize, refine, and implement several major product enhancements for WPF based Office extensions while working on the Productivity Suite team.
Worked daily with product owner, quality assurance and other engineering peers in a SCRUM Agile environment.
Performed in the top 5% of employees for FY2020, receiving a promotion a full fiscal year early.
20th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation
For security, isolation, metering and other purposes, public clouds today implement complex network functions at every server. Today's implementations, in software or on FPGAs and ASICs that are attached to each host, are becoming increasingly complex, costly and bottlenecks to scalability.
We present a different design that disaggregates network function processing off the host and into shared resource pools by making novel use of appliances which tightly integrate general-purpose ARM cores with high-speed stateful match processing ASICs. When work is skewed across VMs, such disaggregation can offer better reliability and performance over the state-of-art at a lower per-server cost.
We describe our solutions to the consequent challenges and present results from a production deployment at a large public cloud.
My internal incubator
In a way a spiritual successor to Treehouse Technologies, Xynon Ventures seeks to be a modern outlet for my ideas in the tech and non tech spaces alike.
A mobile application for the HuskyTHON Dance Marathon at the University of Connecticut.
The HuskyTHON Application is a modern web application that allows participants of the HuskyTHON Dance Marathon event at the University of Connecticut to keep up to date with various fundraising events, personal and team fundraising progress, and information regarding the dance marathon.
The application is a Vue3 web app utilizing the Ionic component library to create a cohesive 'native-esk' experience.
It also utilizes a Node.js App (hosted in Azure) which is responsible for brokering data from various sources into a single highly available and scalable API for the application.
The senior design project as part of UConn's engineering curriculum. The problem / request came from a Connecticut company which installs and maintains Kohler generators.
Led a team of 6 academic peers to fulfill client requirement of allowing technicians to view data of, and send commands to, an existing infrastructure of over 7000 generators throughout the northeast, via a web app.
I became the project's lead architect, and after reading IOT and big-data white papers provided by our academic advisor I planned a five stage pipeline which would theoretically allow a full rollout of retrofitting the 7000+ generators, fully supporting the amount of data processing that would be associated with it. To implement the project, the team worked together to plan all necessary tasks, those tasks' dependencies, and estimated amount of work. Together, we were able to create a fully working prototype several weeks before UConn's Demo Day 2019.
The five stage data pipeline included
A simple color matching game
HUE is a simple color matching game that was in development for the better part of the last two years, starting as a spiritual successor from a different original game called Occasionally Blue. The player uses the full screen to intuitively select a color that is compared against a set of shapes randomly drawn on the screen utilizing the Delta-E 2000 algorithm.
A cross platform mobile application for displaying price information important to the trading platform of Team Fortress 2.
Started as a personal project all the way back in 2014, the new version of the TF2 Finance app is a modern web application that utilizes Backpack.tf's currency API to display information and graphs regarding TF2 items such as Keys, Refined Metal, and Earbuds. Other features include converting currencies into other forms (including USD) and graphing price history for the application.
It also utilizes a PHP backend with caching to create a basic API for brokering information from various sources.
A sole proprietorship created to encapsulate various software products, system building services, and consulting.
Treehouse Technologies was originally founded by myself and two friends with a wildly ambitious vision of building video games to compete with AAA game studios. After the other two founding members left, I registered Treehouse Technologies as a sole proprietorship in my freshman year of high-school. From that point, the Treehouse Technologies brand became one of self and business experimentation--constantly exploring new technology and business ventures.
I credit most of the problem solving and programming skills that I use today (both personally and professionally) to be a result of the creative experimentation that Treehouse Technologies enabled.
Feel free to contact me with questions about the information above via email or the various socials below.